AZ Pyramid Dumpster
Written by Brian Waters

How Much Do 10 Yard Dumpster Rentals Cost?

The average upfront cost for renting a 10-yard roll-off dumpster is (please call). The upfront cost for renting a 10-yard roll-off dumpster will range between (please call) for Phoenix, Arizona in 2020.

Added charges could be applied for tonnage, any overage, the type of debris you’ll have, any late fees and fuel surcharges. Be sure to ask about added charges at the beginning of your dumpster rental to stop any surprises when you get your final invoice.

Overage fees can range in cost per ton subject to the rental company.

Many people get confused when choosing the correct sized dumpster, read on for things to consider when making your decision:

  • Make sure you’re as detailed as possible about the amount and the type of debris you’re going to be putting into the dumpster when speaking to the dumpster rental company. They are the professionals and with their knowledge, they can provide you with realistic estimate of how much your project might weigh
  • You can prevent the typical problem of other people putting their trash into your rented dumpster and stop rain from entering it by covering with it a tarp. In each case, if this is not done, your total weight of your project will increase. It is especially important if you decide on a 10-yard dumpster over a 20-yard dumpster, because you may have to in the end pay more if it goes over the weight limit.
  • When you’re not sure – choose a larger size dumpster. At the end of the day you will save money by avoiding overage charges.

AZ Pyramid Services offers Roll-Off Dumpster rental in Phoenix, Chandler, Mesa, Scottsdale, AZ or anywhere else in the Phoenix Valley.

With a large number and wide selection of roll-off containers to serve your needs for waste disposal and scrap metal recycling Industrial accounts are always welcome and competitive pricing is without question! Contact us, today!

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